The latest Padman is an upcoming 2018 Indian Hindi biography comedy-drama film, which has Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte in lead roles. Amitabh Bachchan will play a special role. This film is inspired by the real life story of Arunachalam Muruganamtha, who invented the low cost sanitary pad machine. Muruganatham had built a machine which was cheaply prepared in sanitary napkin. He was awarded Padam Shri for this search.
Twinkle is also promoting and directing the film. The final chapter of Twinkle Khanna's second book, "The Story of Dr. Laxmi Prasad", is related to this movie. Directed by R. Baalki, Padman will release a lifetime collection of film and film 100 crores. But the film is expected to touch the figure of 10 to 15 crores.
Padman Movie Total Budget
The budget of Padman is said to be about 21 Crore with a print-publicity of 10 Crore. The film was all set to be release in more than 3000 Above screens but this wouldn't be possible now as Padmavati is also set to be release on 25th Jan and as per now screen ratio between Padmavati and Padman is 75:25, so we can't expect more than 1500 screen for Padman. Check Padmavati Budget & Collection Here
Padman is 2 hours and 21 minutes long & Padman movie all song has been released.
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